Inspiration, quotes, and images:

From the notes document, we collected a great set of quotes:

Amadou Bamba - “it’s a bad physician who provides a diagnosis without a remedy”)

How can we be of assistance to anyone else when we are not yet safe from ourselves?

“The thing a human is most practiced in is self deception.” -Bilal Ware

Even the sharpest knife cannot carve its own handle (East African proverb).

“After prophethood there is no spiritual station available for a man that isn’t available for a woman.”

“The Shaytan is just a dog set upon you by its master” - Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba Mbacké from Masalik al-Jinan

Oneness of god + oneness of humanity = good

Division of god + division of humanity = evil.

“You have to purify before you fortify”

  • Angelica Lindsey Ali @VillageAuntie

“God’s creation is subtle” - Dr Bilal Ware

“Pleasing people is a goal you will never attain. How foolish that you will seek it in exchange for God’s wrath.”

-Osman Dan Fodio.

“God is worth it.” - Dr. Bilal Ware

“The first time you draw breath free, you won’t believe you wanted anything else.” - Dr. Bilal Ware

Fill our hearts with you and our hands with dunya

– Hassan Cisse (name?)

Bamba “self sufficiency is the best of states.”

“Gratitude and abundance>patience and poverty”

“When the famous saint, Rabia al-Adawiyyah (r.a)fell ill her three contemporaries and saints went to pay her a visit. It is related that Shaykh Hasan al-Basri (r.a), Shaykh Malik ibn Dinar (r.a), and Shaykh Shaqiq al-Balkhi (r.a) went to visit Rabi’a (r.a.). The conversation turned to the question of sincerity as they attempted to offer her solace.

Shaykh Hasan (r.a) said, “None is sincere is his claim to love God, unless he patiently endures the Blows of his Lord.”

Shaykha Rabia(r.a) said, “This talk stinks of egotism.”

Shaykh Shaqiq (r.a), attempting to elevate the answer and definition, said, “None is sincere is his claim to love God unless he is not grateful for the Blows of his Master.”

Shaykha Rabia(r.a) said, “We need something better than this.”

Shaykh Malik ibn Dinar (r.a) said, “None is sincere is his claim to love God unless he does not delight in the Blows of his Master.”

Shaykha Rabia (r.a) said, “We need something better than this.”

They said, “Now you speak.”

Shaykha Rabia (r.a) said: “ No one is sincere in his claim to love God, unless he forgets the Blows in beholding his Lord, from enduring, to giving thanks, to delighting, to forgetting the tribulation in his love for God.”

  • Kaathima Ebrahim
    “I took this picture of the full moon over False Bay in Cape Town last night”
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