Volunteer or share a project that needs volunteers: https://helpwithcovid.com/

Found through: https://www.covid19-response.com/

Page one, a list of ideas:

  1. Information is fragmented and there is lots of misinformation circulating.
  2. Official sources (WHO, CDC, etc) are accurate but not enough people (particularly the less tech literate) are reading and acting upon the best practice advice. It is not presented in an engaging and easy-to-read format.
  3. Official sources are not aggregating many brilliant local initiatives.
  4. Most initiatives are suited to technology skilled and highly educated readers.
    Fact - what we do individually will have a direct impact on how many people suffer, so it is vital that as many people as possible understand and have access to the best information.
    Project status - the site launched in the UK yesterday and is already being supported by several GP practices and NHS teams around the country. We want to scale up and out, particularly in the USA, and help get the information out to everyone who needs it.
    Please get in touch via team@stopthespread.info
    Remote (we are UK and SF based)
    created about 15 hours ago